Blog Journal #2

As a high school student, I used Microsoft Word only to write papers, and to submit assignments. When I became a student at FSU, I started to use Microsoft Word for papers and assignments as well as lab reports and creating creative materials. I prefer to use Google Docs for college assignments as it is easy to collaborate on and has many features that Word does not. Also, you are able to access the documents from any computer by logging onto your drive, which is super helpful. 

    The most meaningful ISTE standard to meaningful to me is designer. Educators are designers for learning environments and help create learning activities and experiences. This is important for K-12 educators because it allows them to create ways to enhance the learning of their students. It also allows educators to find different ways to impact children's learning by touching on different learning styles.

    A digital native is someone who is considered a native speaker when it comes to things related to technology. There is a clear contrast between student, who were digital natives, and teachers, who are digital immigrants, clearly seen in the way they use technology. Students embrace the ability to have answers at their fingertips whereas teachers value finding the information in resources. It has made me value finding information more. I feel like my future students will be more likely to know how to use different devices and applications more than me. 



  1. Hello! I enjoyed reading your post! I also agree that google docs is much easier to use while collaborating with others on an assignment, also I believe that google docs is more straight forward overall! Good job!


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