Blog Journal #3

     Copyright is a law that protects the work of a person by requiring permission to use one's work. Fair use allows one to be able to use another person's work in certain contexts, like schoolwork. As a teacher developing materials, I would make sure to check whether material I was using was either copyrighted or fair use. I would also have my students know the difference so that they could be aware of it when submitting their own work. I would make sure to have a Works Cited page for all assignments that required research. 

    There are many technology implementation issues that are seen in the classroom today. In order to prevent academic dishonesty in my classroom, I would make sure all work has a Works Cited page. I would also run their assignments through a plagiarism check application. In order to prevent student's privacy, I would not have them use programs that could allow their information to be accessed by others. For example, I would have them create fake social media accounts, instead of having them make real ones. 

    One new skill that I learned from the Newsletter was how to make a banner in Canva. I was able to find templates that I liked and use them for inspiration. One way I could make the newsletter better in the future is by varying the aesthetic of it to make it more visually appealing. I am fundraising for my job and am encouraged to send a newsletter to my support team. This assignment help me practice for that! 



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