Blog #4

     One standard that was in the Kindergarten ELA standards was to be able to utilize different text items to navigate through key information in various texts. In other words, this standard is having students learn to be comfortable using various platforms in order to locate the information that they need. I do feel prepared to implement this standard as I have worked with different text features at my job at the bookstore. We would implement electronic menus and icons into our website. 

    The tool I found on the CPLAMS website was a science hunt that students could go on in the classroom. This tool allows students to locate and observe different items in the classroom and places an emphasis on the 5 senses. I would use it in my classroom because I think it would be a great opportunity for students to grow in their investigative skills. Also, it would allow students to learn about different items they can locate with their senses. 

    It is important to be a proficient Internet searcher as a teacher because it is important to provide students with the accurate information for them to succeed. One skill that I learned about this week was using an advanced Google search. It seems helpful in narrowing down and producing more relevant information. One skill that I use is finding .org or .net websites as they are more reliable than .com. This helps to ensure that I am receiving the most accurate information. 


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